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You can add tabs to the resource detail page. For example, you might want to have a tab that shows the logs for the resource.

Creating a tab


Tabs are very straight forward, they consist of a title and a Vue component:

class ResourceLogs extends Tab
public function title(): string
return __('Logs');

public function component(): string
return 'ResourceLogs';


Your component will have model and resource available as props:


export default {
name: 'ResourceLogs',
props: ['model', 'resource']

You can register your component anywhere, let's register this tab in boot/app.js:

import ResourceLogs from 'components/tabs/logs/ResourceLogs'

Vue.component('ResourceLogs', ResourceLogs)

Registering a tab

You can register your tab in your resource:

public function tabs(): TabCollection
return new TabCollection(
(new ResourceLogs())


You can hide tabs based on a condition:

public function tabs(): TabCollection
return new TabCollection(
(new SessionManagement())
->hideOnShow(fn(UserModel $model) => !auth()->user()->can('sessionManagement', $model))


You can add a numeric indicator of how many records exists within the tab. For example, for the qore/notes module:

->withTabCountUsing(function(Model $model) {
$query = Note::query();

if ($this->getQueryClosure()) {
$query = $this->getQueryClosure()->call($this, $query, $this->model);
} else {
$query = $query->whereIn('entity_type', [$this->model->getMorphClass()])
->whereIn('entity_id', [$this->model->id]);

return $query->count();

This method can also be called on Cards, because a Card can also be displayed as Tab.