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Resource events

Resources support using events. These events work in a similar way as Laravel model events. You are not required to use resource events over model events, or use them at all. However, they may come in handy when you for example want to access the request data from a form.


Let's say you have a User resource, you may want to encrypt the users' password when creating the user:

public function creating(Model $model, array $state)
$model->password = Hash::make(Str::random());

You may need to send a mail after creating an user:

public function created(Model $model, array $state): JsonResponse

return parent::created($model, $state);

You will have full control over the retun values of created and updated, because these methods by default will send a JsonResponse.

Available events

You can use any of the following events:

public function retrieved(Model $model)

public function saving(Model $model, ?Model $original = null)

public function saved(Model $model, ?Model $original = null)

public function updating(Model $model, Model $original, array $state)

public function updated(Model $model, Model $original, array $state): JsonResponse

public function creating(Model $model, array $state)

public function created(Model $model, array $state): JsonResponse

public function deleting(Model $model)

public function deleted(Model $model)

public function imported(Model $model): void

public function createdFromDuplicate(Model $created, ?Model $original): void

Form events

You can also override the methods below.


Will be called every lifecycle, meaning on the initial form request and all subsequent requests.

public function onFormReady(ManagesForm $form): void
if ($form->getModel()) {
$form->setSubmitButtonLabel('Update user');
} else {
$form->setSubmitButtonLabel('Create user');


When a resource is created from duplication there will be an event emitted called Qore\System\Events\ResourceCreatedFromDuplicate.

You can also override the public function createdFromDuplicate(Model $created, ?Model $original): void inside the resource, to add code that reacts to this event.

Be aware at the definition of the event as the $original param model that you are duplicating from might have been deleted since the form is started, you should handle this case accordingly.

public function __construct(
public readonly Model $created,
public readonly ?Model $original,
) {