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Chips are a method to add status badges to your resources.

Adding chips

You can add a Chip by overriding the chips(Model $model) method in your resource.

public function chips(Model $model): ChipCollection
return new ChipCollection(
Chip::make('Lorum ipsum')


labelstringThe label to show on the the chip
denseboolfalseDense mode; occupies less space
colorstringprimaryColor name for component from the Quasar Color Palette
text-colorstringwhiteOverrides text color (if needed); Color name from the Quasar Color Palette
squareboolfalseSets a low value for border-radius instead of the default one, making it close to a square
outlinestringfalseDisplay using the 'outline' design
stylestringCustom CSS styles

Chips as select dropdown

Sometimes you want the user to switch for example a Project status from To do to Canceled from the detail page.

You can make a chip work like a Select field:

public function chips(Model $model): ChipCollection
return new ChipCollection(

protected function typeField(): VariableValue
return VariableValue::make(__('crm::crm.Type'), 'type')
->forVariable(tenant_variable('organization types'))

You can provide a Select field or a BelongsTo field as argument in the asSelect method. It can be one of your existing resource fields, or just a custom one:

public function chips(Model $model): ChipCollection
return new ChipCollection(
Select::make('Select field', 'select_value')
'label' => 'Option 1',
'value' => 'value_1'
'label' => 'Option 2',
'value' => 'value_2'

By default, the resource model will be updated based on the name of the given field (it will try to find the field on your resource). If you have a custom Select field like the example above, or if you want to write your own handler, you can provide one:

return new ChipCollection(
Select::make('Select field', 'select_value')
'label' => 'Option 1',
'value' => 'value_1'
'label' => 'Option 2',
'value' => 'value_2'
function(Model $model, array $data) {
// Write your own validation, logging etc. here
dd($model, $data);