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A resource may have custom actions. Actions are pieces of code that can be executed in bulk (from the index page), or from the detail page.

By default, every resource includes a DeleteResource action:

(new DeleteResource())
->canRun(fn (Model $model) => auth()->user()->can('delete', $model))
->rejectReason(function () {
return __("You don't have permission to delete this");

Creation an action

Let's start by creating a BlockUser action:

class BlockUser extends Action
public function icon(): string
return 'block';

public function title(): string
return __('Block user');

public function run(Model $model, array $state): void
$model->blocked = true;

The run action will be called for every model that is selected (via bulk).

Registering an action

You can register an action on the resource:

public function actions(): ActionCollection
return new ActionCollection(
new BlockUser()

Authorization and rejection


You can hide actions on detail or on index using:

public function actions(): ActionCollection
return new ActionCollection(
(new BlockUser())


Actions will can only be executed when users are authorized to see and run the action. To check whether an action can be seen:

public function actions(): ActionCollection
return new ActionCollection(
(new BlockUser())
->canSee(function() {
return auth()->user()->hasPermissionTo('update users');

And to check if it can be run:

public function actions(): ActionCollection
return new ActionCollection(
(new BlockUser())
->canRun(fn(UserModel $model) => !$model->blocked)


When, for example in bulk, an action cannot be run for a specific model, you can also supply a reject reason:

public function actions(): ActionCollection
return new ActionCollection(
(new BlockUser())
->canRun(fn(UserModel $model) => !$model->blocked)
->rejectReason(function () {
return __('This user is already blocked');

Including fields

You can include fields in your actions. For example you might want to fill in a block_reason when blocking an user:

class BlockUser extends Action {

public function fields(): FieldCollection
return new FieldCollection(
Text::make(__('Block reason'), 'block_reason')
->rules('nullable', 'string', 'max:255')

public function run(Model $model, array $state): void
$model->block_reason = $state['block_reason'];



Sometimes, you may want to redirect the user to the index page after executing an action. For example after deleting the resource:

public bool $shouldRedirectToIndex = true;

You can also have a custom redirect url by adding the following method on your Action. This will only be used from the detail page.

public function redirectTo(Collection $models, array $arguments): ?string
return '';

You can redirect to a specific model detail page:

public function redirectTo(Collection $models, array $arguments): ?string
return "resources/tickets/{$this->model->id}";

Downloading files

It is also possible to return a file response when an action is finished.

In order to make this work, you will need to add the following function, which should return the full path to the file:

public function downloadableFilePath(): ?string
return Storage::disk('public_global')->path('avatars/users/1.png');

You should not generate a file inside downloadableFilePath function, because it is called multiple times. Instead, you should generate a file in the run function (or somewhere else), and store the path as a property on the class, which you then can return in the downloadableFilePath function.

By default, downloaded files are opened in a new browser tab. You can disable this:

public function openFileInTab(): bool
return false;

After changing anything file related, make sure to refresh the page once

If for some reason you need to send a custom response (with custom headers), you can override the following function:

public function onFinished(Collection $models, array $arguments): mixed
return response()->[...]

Action metadata

By default, an action description is the same as the title. You can supply your own description:

public function description(): string
return __('I am the description for this action');

You can set a width for the dialog/modal that is shown (default is 700):

public int $width = 1000;

You can change the labels of submit and cancel buttons:

public function submitLabel(): string
return __('Save');

public function cancelLabel(): string
return __('Cancel');

You can hide the submit button by default:

public function showSubmitButton(): bool
return $this->model->is_active;

You can mark the submit button as disabled by default:

public function disableSubmitButton(): bool
return true;

public function disableSubmitButtonMessage(): ?string
return __('Disabled message');

To apply a front-end indicator that the action might be "dangerous", you can use the following property:

public bool $dangerous = true;

You can set widths:

public int $width = 700; // Pixels
public int $maxWidth = 80; // VW

You can set a custom response message:

protected function responseMessage(Collection $models, array $arguments): string
return __('Action :action ran successfully', [
'action' => $this->description()

If you'd like to modify the form in some other way, you can override the following method:

public function onFormReady(ManagesForm $form): void
// On subsequent requests we do nothing
if (!$form->isInitialRequest()) {

// Hide the submit button by default
if (!$this->showSubmitButton()) {

// Disable the submit button by default
if ($this->disableSubmitButton()) {

Overriding components

You can override the front-end with the following 2 methods:

    public function headerComponent(): string
return 'CustomActionHeader';

public function bodyComponent(): string
return 'CustomActionBody';

Then in the front-end:

import CustomActionBody from '../CustomActionBody'
import CustomActionHeader from '../CustomActionHeader'

Vue.component('CustomActionBody', CustomActionBody)
Vue.component('CustomActionHeader', CustomActionHeader)


<div class="text-h6">
:color="action.dangerous ? 'negative' : 'primary'"
{{ action.title }}
v-if="action.title !== action.description"
{{ action.description }}

export default {
props: {
resource: {
type: Object,
required: true
action: {
type: Object,
required: true
model: {
required: false,
type: Object,
default: null
models: {
type: Array,
required: false,
default: () => []
relation: {
required: false,
type: Object,
default: undefined


<q-card-section class="q-pt-sm">
:appendToRequest="{ models: => }"
@ready="(args) => $emit('ready', args)"
@success="(response, headers) => $emit('success', response, headers)"
@busy="(busy) => loading = busy"
:submitButtonColor="action.dangerous ? 'negative' : 'primary'"
:fieldsWrapperAttributes="{ style: 'max-height: 70vh;', class: 'scroll q-pt-sm' }"
<template v-slot:buttons="{ props }">
:class="{ 'q-mr-sm': props.meta.submit_button_shown }"
color="grey-8 "

export default {
props: {
resource: {
type: Object,
required: true
action: {
type: Object,
required: true
endpoint: {
type: String,
required: true
model: {
required: false,
type: Object,
default: null
models: {
type: Array,
required: false,
default: () => []
relation: {
required: false,
type: Object,
default: undefined

methods: {
confirm () {