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This module adds auto-filling to your resource create forms.


To install this module

composer require qore/testing


To use this module

Register the service provider in your AppServiceProvider, for example:

if ($this->app->environment('local', 'staging') && config('telescope.enabled')) {

// Here:

Then after, you can enable this module to set it active.

Upgrade Guide

To upgrade this module

composer update qore/testing


You can disable autofill on a field using:


When creating your own fields, you can configure auto filling:

public function autoFill(Generator $faker): string
return $faker->name;

Optionally, you can programmatically decide if auto filling should be enabled:

public function shouldAutoFill(mixed $value): bool
return $this->autoFillEnabled && empty($value);

Autofill resources

When working on your project it might be cumbersome to create seeders for every resource or manually create resources. The testing module comes with a command that lets you create resources automatically. Optionally you can give the amount and the relation of a resource. The amount creates that many instances of a resource. The relation option gives the possibility to create the relation(s) of the resource. The command is constructed as follows:

qore:autofill {resource} {--count=} {--relation=*}

Note: in order to use the command you must activate the modules and plugins.

Release notes

All notable changes will be documented here.

0.8.0 (March 24, 2022)

  • Add initial release