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This module adds a page where end-users can manage back-end and front-end translations.

Note: all .php file translations and module/plugin translations that have their own .php files will not be detected.

Please keep all translations in their respective {language}.json files.


To install this module

composer require qore/translation

Translations will be cached, add the following plugin to frontend/quasar.conf.js:

plugins: [
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=qore.translations.frontend


To use this module

After the module has been enabled you can visit /translations.

Missing translations will automatically be added asynchronously. You might need to refresh the page once.

Upgrade Guide

To upgrade this module

composer update qore/translation

If you need to upgrade migrations or Vue components:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=qore.translations.frontend --force

Release notes

All notable changes will be documented here.

0.8.2 (Dec 08, 2021)

  • Add initial release