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Mailing extended

This module adds the ability to create mail lists and send e-mails.

If this module is active, a button will be appended to index page of MailMessage resource to send an e-mail.


To install this module:

composer require qore/mailing-extended
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=qore.mailing-extended.db
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=qore.mailing-extended.frontend


Make sure to migrate (php artisan tenants:migrate)

To use this module:

This module simply adds a resource (MaillistResource) and a page to send e-mails.

You can add this somewhere in your menu (in GlobalsController):

if (module_is_active('qore/mailing-extended')) {
__('Send e-mail'),
['mail management'],
fn (MenuItem $item) => $item->setIcon('mail')

Upgrade Guide

To upgrade this module:

composer update qore/mailing-extended

If you need to upgrade migrations or Vue components:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=qore.mailing-extended.db --force
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=qore.mailing-extended.frontend --force