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The purpose for Qore is to set a solid base for future ERP/CRM systems. New projects can use this application as a foundation including authentication, tables, resources and more.


  • This application is called Skeleton. Skeleton is a simple Laravel installation with a few resources, routes, fields and more built in. It can be cloned for future projects, and tuned to the customers' wishes.

  • Skeleton includes System/Qore in the back-end. System/Qore consists of the foundation for resources, fields and more. See it as Laravel/Framework for new Laravel projects.

List of definitions

TermDescriptionIs part ofExamples
ComponentA component is a main part of the Qore and will be present in every project. Components define the foundation for subsystems.System\QoreAuthentication, Roles and Permissions, Tables
ModuleA module is not a main part of the Qore and will typically use components. Modules can be build as a loose subsystem that can be active/inactive.t.b.d.Invoicing, Tasks, Timeregistration
PluginPlugins are comparable to modules. Plugins are typically smaller in scope, and usually communicate with external API's. Plugins are usually built as an extension on a module.t.b.d.Postcode field, KvK field, VAT checker
Mod (modification)Mods are pieces of code that will either extend, edit or replace parts of Components, Modules or Plugins. Typically mods are necessary for business specific (logic) related wishes.SkeletonLayout changes, fully customised pages, VAT rate calculations