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Resource Index Table

Customizing back-end table

You can supply your own ResourceTable if necessary:

public function resourceTable(Request $request, string $name): ResourceTable
return new TicketResourceTable($request, $this, $name);

Make sure that your custom table extends ResourceTable.

Table inline editing

You may allow users to edit your resource from within the index table:

public function isEditableInsideTable(): bool
return true;

You then have 2 options to make the edit form available to the user:

// By enabling a context menu when hovering over the row
public function hasTableContextMenu(): bool
return true;
// By expanding a row when clicking on the table row
public function onTableRowClick(): string
return TableContextMenu::EXPAND_ROW;

Table context menu

When enabling the context menu:

 public function hasTableContextMenu(): bool
return true;

You can add additional buttons, like an edit button:

 public function hasTableContextMenuEditButton(): bool
return $this->canUpdateAny();

A detail button:

public function hasTableContextMenuDetailButton(): bool
return $this->onTableRowClick() === TableContextMenu::EXPAND_ROW;

A delete button:

public function hasTableContextMenuDeleteButton(): bool
return $this->canDeleteAny();

Table row on click

When the user clicks on a row, you have 2 options:

 // Default: navigate to detail page
public function onTableRowClick(): string
return TableContextMenu::NAVIGATE_TO_DETAIL;
// Expand the row
public function onTableRowClick(): string
return TableContextMenu::EXPAND_ROW;

Table sticky columns

You can enable certain columns to scroll horizontally when you have a table with lots of columns:

For example, to make the first column sticky, add the following method to your resource:

public function stickyTableColumns(): array
return [0];

You can also make multiple columns sticky:

public function stickyTableColumns(): array
return [1,2];

Table row styling

In some cases you always want to apply certain styles to a table row based on model conditions.

You can add the following method to your resource:

public function postProcessTableRow(TableDataStyler $styler, Model $model): void
if ($model->amount >= 50) {