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Creating a resource

A resource (similar to Nova) is a class that will define a full CRUDA for a model.

This means an overview table, create & edit forms and a detail page will be created for you.

Below you can find all steps that should be taken in order to fully set up a resource from scratch.

Creating a model

If you do not have a model already, you can create one.

Notice that because we're using multi tenancy, we need to place the files in a logical directory.

The model

php artisan make:model Tenant/Example

class Example extends Model
use HasFactory;

The migration


Schema::create('examples', function (Blueprint $table) {


Finally, to migrate run:

php artisan tenants:migrate

Setting up authorization

Qore uses Laravel policies in combination with Spatie Permissions for authorization.

Permission seeder

To create permissions, let's open database/seeders/Tenant/PermissionsSeeder.php.

Qore comes with a helper class to easily create permissions:

$creator = app(PermissionCreator::class);

Let's create CRUDA permissions for our resource:


To fully refresh & seed the database run:

composer fresh


Let's start by creating a policy:

php artisan make:policy ExamplePolicy

The Qore User model uses a trait to have extensive (scoped) permissions that will automatically be checked by the helper methods you will find below:

class ExamplePolicy
use HandlesAuthorization;

public function viewAny(User $user)
return $user->canViewAny('examples');

public function view(User $user, Example $model)
return $user->canView('examples', $model);

public function create(User $user)
return $user->canCreate('examples');

public function update(User $user, Example $model)
return $user->canUpdate('examples', $model);

public function delete(User $user, Example $model)
return $user->canDelete('examples', $model);

Finally, register the policy in the AuthServiceProvider:

    protected $policies = [
Example::class => ExamplePolicy::class,
// ...

Creating the resource

Now that we have set up a model and authorization, we can create a Resource.

Let's create the ExampleResource.php class in the app/Resources directory (you can place it anywhere you want). You can make this resource manually, or use the command: php artisan qore:resource ExampleResource

use Qore\System\Fields\Select;
use Qore\System\Fields\Text;
use Qore\System\Fields\Textarea;
use Qore\System\Resource\Field\FieldCollection;
use Qore\System\Resource\QoreResource;

class ExampleResource extends QoreResource
public function model(): string
return \App\Models\Tenant\Example::class;

public function fields(): FieldCollection
return new FieldCollection(
Text::make(__('Name'), 'name'),

Select::make(__('Type'), 'type')
'value' => 'type_1',
'label' => __('Type 1')
'value' => 'type_2',
'label' => __('Type 2')

Textarea::make(__('Description'), 'description')

public function icon(): string
return 'face';

// This is optional:
public function name(): string
return 'examples';

Registering the resource

Now the resource is created, we need to register it in order to use it. By default, resources are automatically scanned based on your qore.php configured directories.

If you want to manually register your Resource, you can register a resource in a ServiceProvider, for example in AppServiceProvider:

    public function boot()
app(Resources::class)->register(new ExampleResource());

In order to display the resource in the menu, we need to add the resource anywhere in Http/Controllers/GlobalsController.php. Let's add the resource below our Home page:

private function menu(): Menu
return (new Menu())
->tab('home', function (MenuTab $tab) {
$tab->addMenuItem(__('Home'), '/home', [], function (MenuItem $item) {

// Here:

// ..

You should now see the resource in the front-end after doing a hard refresh.