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Alerts are a very basic way to display a message on a resource page. By default, it is only shown on detail.

Creating an alert

Alert has a $model you can access (only on detail & edit). Alerts are very straightforward:

class UserBlocked extends Alert
public function title(): string
return __('User blocked');

public function description(): string
if (!empty($this->model->block_reason)) {
$message = __('Block reason: :reason', ['reason' => $this->model->block_reason]);
} else {
$message = __('This user is blocked from logging in');

return $message;

public function iconColor(): string
return 'negative';

public function icon(): string
return 'block';

You can make an alert not dismissable:

public function canBeClosed(): bool
return false;

Registering an alert

You can register an alert on the resource:

public function alerts(): AlertCollection
return new AlertCollection(
new UserBlocked


Alerts, by default, are shown on detail and hidden on other pages.

You can conditionally show an alert on detail:

public function alerts(): AlertCollection
return new AlertCollection(
(new UserBlocked)
->hideOnShow(fn(UserModel $user) => !$user->blocked)

Or for example show only on edit:

public function alerts(): AlertCollection
return new AlertCollection(
(new UserBlocked)
->hideOnEdit(fn(UserModel $user) => !$user->blocked)

Creating alert actions

When dealing with alerts, you might find it beneficial to include specific actions tied to a particular alert. For instance, consider an alert associated with a resource:

public function alerts(): AlertCollection
return new AlertCollection(
new ResourceAlert

Within the alert class, you have the freedom to specify a range of actions:

class ResourceAlert extends Alert
public function actions(): ActionCollection
return new ActionCollection(
(new ResourceAlertAction1),
(new ResourceAlertAction2),

Make sure that any actions created here extend Qore\System\Resource\Alert\Action;