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Index tabs

Index tabs are tabs that are used on the Resource Index page. These tabs will apply specific sorting and filters to the table.

Creating an Index Tab

You can create an Index Tab:

class HighPerformers extends IndexTab
public function name(): string
return __('High performers');

public function searchColumns(): array
return ['price' => ['>', 250]];

public function query(): Builder
return Employee::where('price', '>', 250);

Query & Search columns

The query method is only used to display a little (badge) number above each tab and has no impact on the actual filter.

The searchColumns however does get applied in the table. The value of each field should be compatible with the filterUsing from each field.

Applying sorting

You can also apply a sort & sort direction:

public function ascending(): ?bool
return false;

public function sortBy(): ?string
return 'price';

Registering an Index Tab

You can register your Index Tab in your resource:

public function indexTabs(): IndexTabCollection
return new IndexTabCollection(
new LowPerformers(),
new HighPerformers()

Tabs with no filtering

Sometimes you may need a tab that has no filtering whatsoever:

public function indexTabs(): IndexTabCollection
return new IndexTabCollection(
new All($this->model()),
new LowPerformers(),
new HighPerformers()

Show result label in tab

If you want to show a label on the index tab with the number of results of the query you can set the $showLabel variable to true, this will show a badge with the number of results.

class LowPerformers extends IndexTab
* Show or hide Label on indexTab
* @return bool
public bool $showLabel = true;