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Block buttons

Block buttons are optional buttons at the top of the detail page that can trigger an action or event

Adding a block button

You can add a BlockButton by overriding the blockButtons(Model $model) method in your resource.

    public function blockButtons(Model $model): BlockButtonCollection
return new BlockButtonCollection(
(new BlockButton(__('notes::notes.Note') . ' +'))
// ->outlined()
// ->stacked()

Handling button click

Block buttons can trigger (multiple) events which components may have registered listeners for.

Running a resource action

You can open a resource action by clicking on the button:

(new BlockButton('Archive'))

// or:
(new BlockButton('Add note +'))

Triggering events

The qore-frontend has some pre-defined listeners which you can trigger.

For example, you might want to click on a div or span that contains some text:

(new BlockButton('Add note +'))
->emits(FrontendEvent::RESOURCE_DETAIL_CLICK_ON_TEXT, [
'text' => __('notes::notes.Notes'),
'tag' => 'div'

Triggering multiple events

You can chain multiple events that will be run in sequence (with a small delay in between):

(new BlockButton('Add note +')
->emits(FrontendEvent::RESOURCE_DETAIL_CLICK_ON_TEXT, [
'text' => __('notes::notes.Notes'),
'tag' => 'div'

Listening to events

If you are creating a custom front-end component and you want to listen to events, you can do so:

  created () {
this.$root.$on('my_event', this.runListener)

beforeDestroy () {
this.$root.$off('my_event', this.runListener)

methods: {
runListener(args) {
console.log('listener triggered', args)

Your component has to be created/mounted somewhere before the listener will be active.

(new BlockButton('Trigger'))
->emits('my_event', ['my' => 'argument'])