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Field Layout

When a form has a lot of fields, you may want to position all the inputs in your form.

Below are a list of field layouts you may use.


You can achieve this by defining a fieldLayout:

public function fieldLayout(bool $forDetail, ?Model $model = null): ?FieldLayout
return (new FieldLayout)
->column('name', 'email')

A column can accept any amount of fields. In the example above, name and email will be shown next to each other.

If you want fields on below each other:

public function fieldLayout(bool $forDetail, ?Model $model = null): ?FieldLayout
return (new FieldLayout)

For more configurations, see: Column configuration


You can also have columns within tabs:

return (new FieldLayout)
__('User') => [
__('Password') => [


You can also use steps instead of tabs:

return (new FieldLayout)
__('User') => [
__('Password') => [

Disabling steps

You can disable and enable steps via the FormState:

Text::make(__('Name'), 'name')
->onUpdate(function(ManagesForm $form, $name) {
if ($name === 'some name') {
$form->enableSteps(__('Authorization'), __('Password'));

$form->disableSteps(__('Authorization'), __('Password'));


if you want to have your steps to be aligned vertically, you need to add true as second argument:

return (new FieldLayout)
__('User') => [
__('Password') => [
], true);

Always show submit button

You can also enable to always show the submit button (on every step) as the third argument:

return (new FieldLayout)
__('User') => [
__('Password') => [
], false, true);


You can use cards to group your fields:

public function fieldLayout(bool $forDetail, ?Model $model = null): ?FieldLayout
return (new FieldLayout())
__('Personlijke info') => [
['first_name', 'last_name' ],
__('Bestanden') => [

By default, cards have a width of 6/12 (half of the viewport) and no set height. You can define a width and a height per card:

__('Personlijke info') => [
['first_name', 'last_name' ],
__('Bestanden') => [
], [
__('Personlijke info') => [
'width' => 10,
'height' => 'lg'
__('Bestanden') => [
'width' => 'xs',
'height' => 'lg'


Cards have a toggling feature. The toggled state can be set by default from the backend.

__('Personlijke info') => [
__('Bestanden') => [
], [
__('Personlijke info') => [
'width' => 10,
'height' => 'lg',
'toggled' => true // this is default to false
__('Bestanden') => [
'width' => 'xs',
'height' => 'lg'

If the user overwrites the local state in his browser, the default won't be used anymore.

Cards can have the toggable feature disabled by passing toggable => false to the card.

__('Personlijke info') => [
__('Bestanden') => [
], [
__('Personlijke info') => [
'width' => 10,
'height' => 'lg',
'toggable' => false // true by default
__('Bestanden') => [
'width' => 'xs',
'height' => 'lg'

If the card is not toggable, the toggled => false option is ignored and the card will always be expanded.

To permanently disable the toggling feature you can configure on the frontend .env


Tabs inside cards

You can also have multiple cards with tabs inside them:

return (new FieldLayout())
__('invoicing::invoicing.Addressee') => [
['receiver', 'address_reference'],
__('invoicing::invoicing.Settings') => [
__('invoicing::invoicing.Invoice details') => [
['status', 'predicted_number'],
['invoice_date', 'payment_due_days'],
['send_method', 'receiver_mail_to'],
['receiver_mail_cc', 'receiver_mail_bcc'],
__('invoicing::invoicing.Additional') => [
['invoiceTemplate', 'currency_code']
__('invoicing::invoicing.Invoice lines') => [
__('invoicing::invoicing.Text above') => [
__('invoicing::invoicing.Text below') => [
], [
__('invoicing::invoicing.Addressee') => [
'width' => 'md'
__('invoicing::invoicing.Settings') => [
'width' => 'md'
__('invoicing::invoicing.Invoice lines') => [
'width' => 'xl'
__('invoicing::invoicing.Text Above') => [
'width' => 'md'
__('invoicing::invoicing.Text below') => [
'width' => 'md'

Columns with cards

The field layout columns with cards can be used to put cards with fields in a column-based layout.

Regular column layout

The tabbed column layout puts different column layouts in tabs.

Implementing the regular column layout

(new FieldLayout)->cardColumns($fields, $columns)

$fields: array

This array should contain cards. Where the key is the card title and the value an array of field names.

$columns: array

This should be an two-dimensional array. $columns should contain arrays that define each column that should be shown. Each array should contain the width of a column and an array containing all the card titles that should be shown. The max width a column can have is 12.

Providing 'width' => 6 will create a card with 50% view width.

public function fieldLayout(bool $forDetail, ?Model $model = null): ?FieldLayout
$fields = [
__('crm::crm.Organization') => [
__('crm::crm.Company information') => [
__('crm::crm.Communication') => [

return (new FieldLayout())
'width' => '7',
'cards' => [
__('crm::crm.Company information'),
'width' => '5',
'cards' => [

Tabbed column layout

The regular column layout puts all the cards in a column layout.

Implementing the tabbed column layout

(new FieldLayout)->cardColumns($fields, $columns, $tabs)

$columns: array

The $columns parameter as defined in the regular implementation should wrapped by an associative array where the key is the tab title.

$tabs: array

This should be an array containing the tab titles that should be shown.

private function detailColumnLayout(): CustomFieldLayout
$fields = [
__('crm::crm.Organization') => [
__('crm::crm.Addresses') => [
__('crm::crm.Additional') => [
__('Extra') => [

return (new FieldLayout())->cardColumns(
__('Information') =>
'width' => '6',
'cards' => [
'width' => '6',
'cards' => [
__('crm::crm.Additional') =>
'width' => 6,
'cards' => [
'width' => 6,
'cards' => [


This layout has a toggling feature. The toggled state of a card can be set.

In the following example the 'Organization' card is collapsed by default and the 'Company information' card can't be collapsed by the user:

return (new FieldLayout())
'width' => '7',
'cards' => [
__('crm::crm.Organization') => [
'toggled' => true,
__('crm::crm.Company information') => [
'toggable' => false

Column configuration

When you have multiple fields shown as columns in a row, the default class col will be applied on every field. Furthermore, each field will also have a min-width of 150px. You can however override this:

return (new FieldLayout())
__('invoicing::invoicing.Settings') => [
__('invoicing::invoicing.Invoice details') => [
['status', 'predicted_number'],
['invoice_date', 'payment_due_days'],
// ['send_method', 'receiver_mail_to'],
// Apply your own class and min-width:
(new FieldLayoutColumn(['send_method', 'receiver_mail_to']))
['receiver_mail_cc', 'receiver_mail_bcc'],


By default, your fieldLayout will be used on forms, but also on the detail page.

Like the fields, you may disable it while creating, viewing or editing:

return (new FieldLayout)->(...)->onlyOnCreate();

You can also customise 2 different layouts, one for Viewing and one for Creating with the bool $forDetail param:

public function fieldLayout(bool $forDetail, ?Model $model = null): ?FieldLayout
if ($forDetail) {
return (new FieldLayout())
'Details' => [
[ 'first_name', 'last_name' ]
'Description' => [

return (new FieldLayout())
'Details' => [
'Description' => [