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Multi tenancy

This application uses for multi-tenancy (a.k.a. multi-company). You can find more information in their documentation.

This means we have 1 shared database (consisting of users, jobs etc.) and a database per tenant.

You can switch between tenants in the top-left side of the header.


By default there are 2 tenants that will be seeded by: TenantsTableSeeder

Identifying current tenant

You can get the current active tenant using:


Tenancyforlaravel exposes helper methods like tenancy()->init(...) to execute code specifically for a tenant.


In the qore/system/config/qore.php there is a middleware registered called IdentifyTenant. This middleware will initialize tenancy based on the logged in user on each request.


The frontend exposes helper methods to each vue component via qore/Mixins/helpers.js.

You can retrieve the active tenant by call the computed property:
