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Most configurations are configurable from your local config/ files and your seeders in database/seeders.

If you want to customise your layout, menu or set preferences, see: Theming and Menu

Note on models and migrations

Because Qore uses, migrations and models are seperated into directories.

For example, to generate migrations that only apply for tenants, you should place them in the database/migrations/tenant directory.

To run tenant migrations only:

php artisan tenants:migrate

or even a seeder:

php artisan tenants:seed --class=MailingSeeder


Default User

By default, one seeder will be seeded in UsersTableSeeder. The credentials are:

password: password

Default Tenant

By default, 2 tenants will be seeded in TenantsTableSeeder.

Preferences and settings

In the PreferenceAndSettingsSeeder default settings and preferences will be seeder for every tenant.

You can see the default settings here:


And the default preferences here:


You should create your own config file if you want to use different settings.

Other seeders

You might want to look into the other seeders:

  • CountriesTableSeeder (countries)
  • MailingTableSeeder (mail templates)
  • PermissionsSeeder (authorisation permissions)