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Field Configurations

You're free to configure your field in any way.


You can call any method from within the constructor:

class Example extends Field
public function __construct(string $label, string $name, string $otherResource = null)
parent::__construct($label, $name, $otherResource);


$this->withAttributes(['type' => 'number']);


public function component(): string
return 'Example';

Default field value

You can set the default value for each field:


You can also set a default based on the form state:

->default(function (ManagesForm $form) {
$model = $form->getModel();

return $model ? $model->first_name : $form->getState('last_name');

Default value for editing resources

The default value on a field will be ignored when editing resources, because it will fill the value based on the model.

In rare cases you might want to have control over the default value when editing a resource too. You can achieve this with the following method:

->initFormValueUsing(function(ManagesForm $form) {
$model = $form->getModel();

return 'myValue';

When this closure returns null, it will fall back to the default (model) value.


The initFormValueUsing closure will always overrule the default value / closure if it does not return null

Preparation methods

Sometimes (mostly for performance reasons), you may need to execute some code which is only relevant for show/form/index. For example, when you have a BelongsTo field, you only want to retrieve options when needed inside a form.

For this reason, you may on of the following fields

public function onBeforeRender(Model $model = null): void
// Always called before rendering the field on show/form/index

public function onBeforeRenderDetail(Model $model): void
// Only called when rendering show

public function onBeforeRenderForm(Model $model = null): void
// Only called when rendering form

public function onBeforeRenderIndex(): void
// Only called when rendering index

public function onBeforeRenderIndexFilter(): void
// Used before the field filter component is rendered

For example:

public function onBeforeRenderForm(Model $model = null): void
$this->componentProperties['general_ledgers'] = $this->generalLedgers();

Debounce value

Fields have the option to react to user input (via ->onUpdate). When users type in your fields' form input, you will want to avoid firing requests everytime the user presses on a key.

For this reason, Qore has a built-in delay (in milliseconds) that it will "wait" until it sends the onUpdate request.

You can set this value (the default value is 200) for every field:


You can also disable debouncing (for example in select fields):

->disableDebounce() // Same as: ->setDebounceValue(0)