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Field Actions

Fields may define actions which can be called from the front-end. These action do not require a route, controller or a custom axios call.

Getting started

Let's start by adding an arbitrary action in our field:

class Example extends Field
public function __construct(string $label, string $name, string $otherResource = null)
parent::__construct($label, $name, $otherResource);

$this->addAction('doApiCall', function (ManagesForm $form, $args, FieldActionResponseConstructor $responseConstructor) {
return $responseConstructor->success(

Within the action you will get access to the current state of the form. You can call methods on this form:

$form->setFieldMeta('some_field', 'some_key', 'some_value');

$form->setState('some_field', 'some_value');



We can call our doApiCall action in the front-end from the Field trait:

<template v-slot:append>
@click="callAction('doApiCall', 10)"
:label="$t('Do api call')"

import Field from 'qore/mixins/resource/Field'

export default {
mixins: [Field],

Getting data from the action

Field actions can return data that will be present in your fields component data after it ran. It will be found under the actions.ACTION_NAME key inside your data.


$this->addAction('do_something', function (ManagesForm $form, array $args) {
return 'action called';
{{ data.actions.do_something }}
<!-- Will first be undefined, but then will be changed to 'action called' after the action is ran -->

To standardize the responses from actions across multiple projects you get injected a response constructor.

$this->addAction('do_something', function (ManagesForm $form, array $args, FieldActionResponseConstructor $response) {
if ($error) {
return $response->fail('Fail reason', $moreDataToBeUsedInCaseOfFail);

return $response->success($data);
{{ data.actions.do_something }}
<!-- { error: false|true, error_message: string|null, data: YOUR_DATA } -->