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API Integration

It is possible to connect with your Qore application through an API.

By default, Qore front-end connects with the back-end in a stateful way, meaning a session will be kept alive, and when the session expires, the user will be logged out. However, this is not always possible, since a stateful session is tightly connected with a domain. This documentation page describes how you can connect Qore without having a session (stateless) via a Bearer Token.

Note that not every endpoint is described here, more documentation will be added in future requests.


We are maintaining a Postman Collection with example API requests, if you want to have access to this collection, please contact a Qore maintainer.


To get started, you will have to create an authorization token.

Generate authorization token

Log in into your Qore application and manually go to /api_tokens in the front-end. When you're working on localhost, the full route is most likely:

On the right side you can create a token (fill in a device_name and optional expiration_date). Once you've generated a token, copy it (it will only be visible once).

Authenticate with authorization token

You can now start doing requests. Let's start with a request to /api/me.

GET {{host}}/api/me

# Authorization
Bearer Token: {{auth_token}}

All example requests below will expect the Bearer Token to be added in the header.


Once authenticated, you can do the following request to see all available endpoints:

GET {{host}}/api/endpoints

These are all routes that exists within the api middleware.


Below is described how you can retrieve and manipulate resource data.

Index (table)

GET {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/table/{table_name}

The table_name should be the same as resource_name if you don't have a separate table registered.

As you can see, it will also return metadata such as columns. You can reduce response data by setting the following header:

Prefer : return:minimal

To filter, sort etc. on table columns, you can add a JSON body:

"tab": "Mijn registraties",
"search_columns": {
"name": "e",
"organization": [1]
"sort_column": "name",
"sort_direction": "ascending",
"per_page": 100,
"page": 1

Please keep in mind that these values only work on fields that are visible in the table by default.


GET {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/{id}

You can reduce response data by setting the following header:

Prefer : return:minimal


POST {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}

You can either send json or FormData. The easiest way is to send json, however with FormData you can also upload files.

With JSON as body:

"name": "Name",
"email": "",
"tenants": [1]


PUT {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/{id}

If you're posting with FormData, please make sure to use POST and add: _method:PUT to your request payload.

With JSON as body:

"name": "Name",
"email": "",
"tenants": [1]

You can also update a single field (inline):

PUT {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/{id}/inline/{field_name}

With JSON as body:

"name": "New name"

Delete (and actions)

POST {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/actions/{action_name}/{id}

Where the {action_name} should be delete_resource when deleting the resource.

Activity logs

GET {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/logs/{id}

Field options

When you have a field with select options (e.g. BelongsTo) you can retrieve these options:

GET {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/field/{field_name}/options

In some cases, you only want the available options based on certain conditions in the form. When this is the case, you need to make a request to the create/edit form instead:

GET {{host}}/api/resources/{resource_name}/create
Header: Prefer : return:minimal

Body (JSON):

"initial_request": false,
"field": "issue",
"state": {
"project": 1
"action": {
"name": "reloadRelatedOptions"

The payload above means that the options for the field issue should be loaded based on the state.

In the response, you will find the options here:

"issue": {
"relatedOptions": [
"group": "Geen Milestone",
"disable": true
"label": "Hello taak 1",
"description": "PTA.23.0001",
"value": 1
GET {{host}}/api/global-search?query=e

More examples

Please find the Postman collection for more examples.