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This plugin allows for API integration with Brandfetch. Brandfetch can retrieve logo's, colors, social media and more from an organization.


To install this module:

composer require qore/brandfetch


Getting started

After you enable this plugin in the interface, you will be required to fill in the API key.

You can find the key on your Brandfetch dashboard page.

After saving, you should be ready to make API calls.


Brandetch's API Documentation can be found here

Search by domain

You can start doing requests to Brandfetch by using the BrandfetchClient:

use Qore\Brandfetch\BrandfetchClient;

$key = setting('qore/brandfetch', 'brandfetch_api_key');
$this->client = new BrandfetchClient();

$result = $this->client->search('');

// Or:
$result = $this->client->search(parse_url('')['host'])

Search by name

When you don't have a domain, you can also try by name. This requires you to have the qore/geocoding extension enabled.

$result = $this->client->trySearchByName('qlic groningen');

Upgrade Guide

To upgrade this module:

composer update qore/brandfetch