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Creating custom tables

There might be a lot of cases where you might want to create your own custom table. For example, you might need a table where you display all active sessions for a user on the user detail page.

Getting started

Let's start by adding a Tab on the User Resource:


Creating the tab:

class SessionManagement extends Tab
public function title(): string
return __('Session management');

public function component(): string
return 'SessionManagement';

Registering the tab:

public function tabs(): TabCollection
return new TabCollection(
(new SessionManagement())


Creating the component:

My custom tab

export default {
props: ['model']

Registering the component:

import SessionManagement from 'components/tabs/session_management/SessionManagement'

Vue.component('SessionManagement', SessionManagement)

Creating the table


We can create a table by extending the Qore base Table:

use Qore\System\Http\Table\Table;

class SessionManagementTable extends Table
public bool $isSortable = true;

public string $sortDirection = 'descending';

public string $sortColumn = 'created_at';

private Model $user;

public function __construct(Request $request, User $model)
$this->user = $model;


public function columns(): ColumnCollection
return new ColumnCollection(
Column::make(__('Device'), 'device'),
Column::make(__('Location'), 'location'),
DateTime::make(__('Logged in'), 'created_at')
DateTime::make(__('Logged out'), 'deleted_at')

public function query(): Builder
return $this->user

protected function responseArguments(): array
return [
'active_session_id' => $this->request->session()->getId()

protected function postProcess($item, ColumnCollection $columns, $type = 'display'): mixed
$process = parent::postProcess($item, $columns);

$process->agent = $item->agent;
$process->last_activity = $item->last_activity ? apply_timezone($item->last_activity) : null;
$process->last_activity_formatted = $item->last_activity ? date_time_presenter($item->last_activity) : null;
$process->created_at = apply_timezone($item->created_at);
$process->created_at_formatted = date_time_presenter($item->created_at);
$process->deleted_at = $item->deleted_at ? apply_timezone($item->deleted_at) : null;
$process->deleted_at_formatted = $item->deleted_at ? date_time_presenter($item->deleted_at) : null;

return $process;

As you can see, you can supply your own query, columns, default sorts and more.

The responseArguments defines all the data that should be sent back in the JSON response. In the postProcess method you may customize the data for each row. In this example we need the actual unformatted dates for the front-end.


Qore provides a base-table component which may be used in your template:




export default {
props: ['model'],
data() {
return {
activeSessionId: null
mounted() {
methods: {
loaded(data) {
this.activeSessionId = data.active_session_id

The <base-table> component will add (filters, sorting etc.) parameters to the URL by default. This might sometimes lead to conflict/unexpected behaviour. In that case please add the prop: disable-history

Creating the controller

In the front-end we do a request towards: users/${}/session-management. Let's register a route:

Route::get('users/{userId}/session-management', [SessionManagementController::class, 'index']);

And our controller:

class SessionManagementController extends Controller
use AuthorizesRequests;

public function index(Request $request, $userId): JsonResponse
$user = User::findOrFail($userId);

$this->authorize('sessionManagement', $user);

return (new SessionManagementTable($request, $user))->make();

Data should now be be displayed in the table.

Using custom slots

You may use custom slots to define how a column should be shown in the front-end. For example, you may want to show an icon for the user device:

<template v-slot:body-cell-device="{ props }">



import DeviceIndex from './DeviceIndex.vue'

export default {
components: {
props: ['model']

The DeviceIndex component:

<q-item class="q-pa-xs">
<q-item-label>{{row.agent.browser}}, {{row.agent.platform}}</q-item-label>
>{{$t('browser')}}: {{row.agent.browser_version}}

export default {
props: {
row: {
required: true,
type: Object
computed: {
icon() {
const type = this.row.agent.device_type

if (type === 'desktop') {
return 'desktop_windows'

if (type === 'phone') {
return 'smartphone'

if (type === 'tablet') {
return 'tablet'

return type


Exporting is disabled by default on custom tables, however you can enable it by following these steps.

The BaseTable exposes its features (refresh, filters, settings, export etc.) via a Portal. You will have to add the following to your table:

  <div class="flex justify-end">
<portal-target :name="`actions-${someTableName}`" />


The name (simply a string) is required for the portal to work.

Next as you can see we have a export-endpoint:

Route::get('/test/table', [\App\Http\Controllers\TestController::class, 'table']);
Route::post('/test/export', [\App\Http\Controllers\TestController::class, 'export']);

The export function will look something like this:

public function export(Request $request): mixed
$table = new TestTable($request);

return $table->export();

Note that exporting will be done synchronously and all records will be exported. Downloaded exports will also be added to the /processes page.

BaseTable props

Sometimes you want to disable specific features in a table.

Below are a some props you may want to edit:

* The endpoint for the table
endpoint: {
type: String,
required: true
* Default sort column
sortColumn: {
type: String
* Default sort direction
sortDirection: {
type: String
* Whether rows can be clicked on
clickable: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* If given, the name will be used in the store/database
* for history and caching
name: {
required: false,
type: String
* The resource.
resource: {
required: false,
type: Object,
default: () => { }
* Only for resources.
* Whether rows can be selected
selectable: {
required: false,
type: Boolean,
default: false
* Only for resources.
* The table index tabs
tabs: {
required: false,
type: Array,
default: () => []
* Whether table exporting should be disabled
disableExporting: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* Whether table loader should be disabled
disableLoader: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* Only for resources.
* Whether table filters should be enabled
disableFilters: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* Only for resources.
* Whether table data should be stored in the store
disableHistory: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* Used fixed layout for columns so columns have a fixed width
* This is true for resource index tables by default
fixedLayout: {
type: Boolean,
default: function () { return this.isColumnEditable }
* Make last column as wide as possible
fillEmptySpace: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
* Whether rows have on-hover actions
hasRowHoverActions: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* Extra arguments to send within pagination
appendToPagination: {
type: Object,
default: () => { }
* Whether to have the footer sticky to the bottom of the page
stickyBottom: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
* Endpoint to use for exporting
exportEndpoint: {
type: String,
required: false
* Endpoint to use for export columns
exportColumnsEndpoint: {
type: String,
required: false
* File name to use for exporting
exportFileName: {
type: String,
required: false