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Creating a page

You can create custom pages and adding them to the menu.

Creating the page

A page is just a vue component. Let's create a home page (pages/Home.vue):

<q-page class="flex flex-center bg-white">
style="max-width: 500px;"
srcset=" 500w, 600w"

export default {}

Adding a route

In app/router/routes.js we can add our route:

path: 'home',
component: () => import('src/pages/Home.vue'), name: 'home'

Finally, we can make a link to our home page in our menu. In Http/Controllers/Globals/MakesMenu.php:

$this->addTabItem(0, [
'icon' => 'home',
'route' => '/home',
'title' => 'Home',
'permissions' => []


You can make custom requests in your template:

this.$api.get(`myurl`).then(({data}) => {

Use translations:

this.$t('Are you sure?')

Or in the template:

<span class="q-ml-sm">{{$t('message')}}</span>

Check permissions:

v-if="$can('update users')"
:label="$t('My label')"

Custom page title

You can make custom a custom page title by using the helper method $setDocumentTitlte():

this.$setDocumentTitle('Custom Title')