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The BaseForm

The BaseForm.vue component renders a form based on fields via an endpoint. On the Adding fields to page page it is described how to create the back-end for this form. BaseForm.vue has a few useful props, events, methods and slots that can be used.


endpoint (string)

The endpoint is used to retrieve the fields, and the form will be submitted to this url.

fieldsEndpoint (string)

Is this prop is given, fields will be retrieved from this endpoint instead of the :endpoint prop.

method (string)

The HTTP method (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE). Defaults to POST.

hideActions (bool)

Whether actions (submit & reset) should be shown below the form. Defaults to false.

hideReset (bool)

Hide the reset button. Defaults to false

notify (bool)

Show a notification alert when the form retrieves a 200 when submitted. Defaults to true.

appendToRequest (object)

Append own custom request data to the submit requests. Defaults to {}.

initialState (object)

The (optional) initial state for fields. For example: :initial-state="{ name: 'Koen' }".

reloadOnSuccess (bool)

Whether the form should be reloaded after it has been submitted successfully. Defaults to false.

onlyAppendOnSubmit (bool)

Whether the appendToRequest should only be applied when submitting the form. Defaults to false.

resource (object)

If there is a resource related to the form, this should be passed as an object. Defaults to null

:appendToRequest="{ columns: localColumns }"


places the form submit, reset buttons inside a sticky bad at the bottom of the page

usePostForFieldsEndpoint (bool)

Whether to use POST instead of GET when doing requests to the fields endpoint. Defaults to false. This could be useful when you have fields that send a lot of data (e.g. repeater), which at some point could exceed the maximum URL length when using GET. Resource create and update forms use true for this prop.


success (responseData)

Emitted after the form has successfully been submitted

error (error)

Emitted after the form has not successfully been submitted

busy (bool)

Emitted when the form is busy or not busy

ready (formData)

Emitted after the form is initialized (and the fields have been loaded).

fieldUpdated (name, value)

Emitted after a field value has updated.

formDataUpdated (formData)

Emitted when the formData is updated


Methods require a reference to the form:

ref="form" <-----

submit ()

Submits the form


reset (fields)

Resets all the fields in a form or only the given fields.

this.$refs.form.reset(['old_password', 'checked_password', 'checked_password_confirmation'])



Prepend a template before the fields.


Append a template after the fields, but before the actions