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There are lots of configurations that may differ based on user experience and preferences. Think of date formats, time zones, theming and more.

These configurations should also have a default value, or may fall back on the preference of the tenant.

Creating a preference

We can optionally at a field now to the TenantPreferenceController and the AuthPreferenceController so users may edit this preference in a form:

Color::make(__('Some color'), 'some_color')

Since these controllers use tabs in their form layouts, be sure to add this field to the layout.



To retrieve a preference:

$value = preference('primary_color');

To set a preference:

// On the user:
auth()->user()->setPreference($name, $value);

// On the tenant:
auth()->user()->tenant->setPreference($name, $value);


To retrieve a preference:


Extending Preferences

Appending the field collection

Hook into the GetAuthPreferenceFieldsAction action to append fields:

actions()->after(new GetAuthPreferenceFieldsAction(), AppendAuthPreferenceFields::class);


class AppendAuthPreferenceFields extends ActionHook
public function __construct(protected AuthPreferenceFields $modified, protected AuthPreferenceFields $original){}

public function identifier(): string
return (new GetAuthPreferenceFieldsAction)->identifier() . '.qore-package';

public function run()
return $this->modified
Text::make('Field 1', 'qore_package_field_1')
->fillUsing(function ($value, $validatedData) {
Select::make('Field 2', 'qore_package_field_2')

Storing field data

  • preventFill - To prevent storing the field data use preventFill
  • fillUsing - To implement your own solution for storing the field data use php ->fillUsing(fn (mixed $value, array $formData) => ... )
  • Default behaviour - The preference controller will using auth()->user()->setPreference($fieldName, $fieldValue)

Appending fields best practices

Fields should start with an identifier. One could use the tab title, or the package name qore_package_<actual_field_name>. This prevents field name collisions.

Appending tabs

Hook into the GetAuthPreferenceFieldLayoutTabsAction action to add tabs to the preference field layout:

actions()->after(new GetAuthPreferenceFieldLayoutTabsAction(), AppendAuthPreferenceFieldLayout::class);


class AppendAuthPreferenceFieldLayout extends ActionHook
public function __construct(protected array $modified, array $original){}

public function identifier(): string
return (new GetAuthPreferenceFieldLayoutTabsAction())->identifier() . '.qore-package-tabs';

public function run(): array
return array_merge(
__('My tab name') => [

Appending tabs best practices

  • Try to use clear and distinct tab names to prevent collision.
  • Use the $this->modified array instead of $this->original. This prevents accidental overriding of changes made by other hooks.
  • Merge your tabs with the tabs existing in $this-modified